Wolverhampton Homes Partnership
Wates Living Space
Greensteel™ hoarding
Wates Living Space is currently performing, in partnership with Wolverhampton Homes, much-needed refurbishment, maintenance, and regeneration to a number of residential areas within Wolverhampton.
This essential work is phased due to multiple site locations but site security and safety are essential due to the residential nature of the programme of works. Wates Living Space, as part of their overall project planning, identified early on that any site hoarding would need to be both secure, safe, and flexible to cope with the dynamics of multiple sites.
Fast Fence was chosen as the hoarding provider due to the Greensteel system being ideal for all of the standard and unique requirements of this multi-site programme.
Fast Fence’s 2.4m high Greensteel solution, made from a minimum of 83% recycled steel, was ideal for the programme. When phase 1 was complete the Greensteel was easily dismantled from the original site, transported to the next, and quickly installed by the experienced Fast Fence installation team.
Greensteel’s ability to be used on multiple sites, due to its durability and quality, provides several benefits above and beyond those of more traditional hoarding solutions. Wates Living Space benefitted from re-using Greensteel across multiple sites by:
- Saving procurement time by only needing to purchase hoarding once and not for every individual site.
- Reducing hoarding costs by re-using the same hoarding across multiple sites.
- Saving site time, the Greensteel hoarding was already branded before installation and simply had to be installed on-site. no need to wait for the correct branding to be painted.
- Reducing maintenance costs, Greensteel is far more durable than timber, with no need for panels to be replaced or re-painted.
- Increasing programme sustainability with no landfill waste from hoarding.
Andy Taylor, Project Manager at Wates Living Space, was impressed with both the Greensteel hoarding and the innovative approach taken to reduce both costs associated with hoarding and waste.
“With so many small sites it was not feasible either environmentally or cost-wise to purchase hoarding for every site. The Greensteel system allows us to purchase one hoarding system which can be installed, used, dismantled, and re-installed on every site. This saves us both time and money with no maintenance and instant branding on every site.’
Greensteel hoarding is available as both a portable system and in-ground, ensuring that it is flexible to meet the needs of any site conditions. If you would like more information on how Greensteel can benefit your projects, simply call 01695 455 150 or email