Fixing Options
Fast Fence hoarding systems are versatile and flexible and can be adapted to any site conditions with a range of fixing options, the three main fixings are detailed as follows however we can develop bespoke fixings to meet specific site requirements.
A flexible fixing option comprising re-usable posts set in sleeves meaning they can be quickly relocated. In-ground fixing is suitable for sites where space is limited and avoids costs of ground re-instatement after the hoarding has been removed. Our installation teams are trained to detect underground services so you can be assured of a fast and safe installation.
This no-dig fixing option is the perfect solution for where your hoarding needs to be surface mounted. Blocklocker™ is suitable for projects where services or obstructions in the ground are present when hoarding is being installed to a finished surface or relocated throughout the project. Comprising a Blocklocker™ fixing kit with ballast weight determined by site-specific structural calculations, this versatile system allows fast installation and dismantling while avoiding waste and high costs of plant and transportation.
With a range of bolt-down fixing options available, our engineers can specify mechanical fixings to allow your hoarding to be fixed to any suitable surface. This solution is perfect where minimal site encroachment is required but ground conditions aren’t suitable for in-ground posts.