BYOH – Bring Your Own Hoarding

The term BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) has been around for some time now with many organisations, including construction firms, adopting the concept to reduce both financial costs and to increase sustainability as there is no need to duplicate devices per employee.

In addition to financial and sustainable benefits, many organisations, have also found that a BYOD approach can improve efficiency as people can use devices that they are familiar with.

Could BYOH (Bring your Own Hoarding) Deliver Similar Benefits?

Fast fence, a leading supplier of sustainable hoarding has developed a range of hoarding solutions that can easily be used on multiple projects.

This move away from single-use hoarding systems can effectively allow construction organisations to adopt an effective BYOH approach.

This would enable an organisation to benefit from:

  • Reduced hoarding costs, buy one set of hoarding, and simply re-use across multiple sites.
  • Improve sustainability by using a closed-loop sustainable hoarding system
  • Enhance efficiency as hoarding is readily available

How Fast Fence Enables BYOH (Bring Your Own hoarding)

Fast Fence allows organisations to hire or purchase the required hoarding, this can then be installed on-site by either Fast fence’s professional installation team, or training can be offered to internal teams.

The ability to purchase hoarding, use it, then store or transport the hoarding onto a new project, is opening up a wealth of opportunities to construction firms.

Many of Fast Fence’s leading clients are now opting to purchase new sustainable hoarding to use on multiple projects.  The hoarding is simply dismantled at the end of a project’s life and then transported along with other equipment, to save on transport costs to a new project. If there is a time-lapse between projects then Fast Fence has a storage option for all clients.

This BYOH approach is proving popular and is helping to enhance the sustainability of construction projects and alleviate the reliance on timber, which can cause damage to the environment.

If you are interested in moving to a more sustainable and financially beneficial method of hoarding, simply get in touch on 01695 455 150 or email